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Highly experienced in implementation and customization of Alfresco. More than 11 years of experience working on Alfresco, versions ranging from 2.x to 5.x. Successfully processed innovative and tailored CMS solutions to meet ever-changing business requirements for multiple clients. Role Includes : Experience in Alfresco Upgrades, SOLR migration, Proposals, Team Handling, Delivery, Content Migration, POC's etc.. Extensive experience in client co ordination, working on offshore-onshore model and project take over. Technical Expertise Includes : Java, JSP, Servlet, JSF, JavaScript, AJAX, Spring, SQL, Hibernate, Web Services(REST). Specialities Includes : Content Migration, Product Customization, Business CMS Solutions, Workflow, Project Transition.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Alfresco FTP Socket Error

I was getting the JVM_Bind error in tomcat console while starting, that was because of FTP Server error 
I have commented the alfresco FTP code and its working fine for me now - - - 
Here is what i have done - - -

Disabled FTP by commenting out the FTP bean in the
projects/repository/config/alfresco/bootstrap-context.xml file:


If you are not able to find bootstrap-context.xml file, search for it in alfresco folder

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

TimeStamp format

Many of us use the time format in our code
But very few of us knows the meaning of using the format.
Here is the explaination of these codes,very useful --- 

TimeStamp format as follows:
H = 24 Hour
HH = 24 Hour with leading zero
h = 12 Hour
hh = 12 Hour with leading zero
m = Minutes
mm = Minutes with leading zero
s = Seconds
ss = Seconds with leading zero
t = A/P
tt = AM/PM


[H:mm]------------->[23:59] (24 hour time)
[h:mm]------------->[11:59] (12 hour time)
[H:mm:ss]--------->[23:59:59] (24 hour with seconds counter)
[h:mm:ss]--------->[11:59:59] (12 hour with seconds counter)
[H:mm:sstt]------->[23:59:59pm] (24 hour with seconds counter and AM/PM) but its 24 hour, you shouldnt need it.
[h:mm:sstt]------->[11:59:59] (12 hour with seconds counter and AM/PM)

You are not required to use the [Square Bracket notation] you may use anything just so long as it contains a TimeStamp format. Note: Please ensure that you use the correct case (UPPER/lower)